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Software library


Quickly create .NET applications that communicate with your Fanuc industrial robot.

Fanuc Communication Library

Implements Ethernet protocols natively available on Fanuc robots
No installation required on the robot
Quick integration
Modern and well-documented library
No physical license USB key required


100% managed assembly
No dependencies
Provided for all .NET versions

Fanuc Library

LVLIB library
Available for all LabVIEW versions

Feature overview

Remote commands

Telnet KCL (Keyboard Command Line) allows you to send commands to control the robot remotely - no additional option is necessary on the controller.
// Reset alarms
// Run a program
robot.Telnet.Abort("MyProgram", force: true);
// Set a variable
robot.Telnet.SetVariable("$RMT_MASTER", 1);
// Set an output port (example: DOUT port 2 = 0)
robot.Telnet.SetPort(KCLPorts.DOUT, 2, 0);
// Simulate an input port (example: DIN port 3 = 1)
robot.Telnet.Simulate(KCLPorts.DIN, 3, 1);
robot.Telnet.Unsimulate(KCLPorts.DIN, 3);

High-speed data reading and writing

SNPX (also known as SRTP/Robotif) allows rapid and structured data communication with the robot. It is used to read/write the registers, monitor alarms and check the condition of the robot.
// Read a register
Position posReg1 = robot.Snpx.PositionRegisters.Read(1);
float numReg5 = robot.Snpx.NumericRegisters.Read(5);
string strReg10 = robot.Snpx.StringRegisters.Read(10);
// Write a register
posReg1.CartesianPosition.X = 100;
robot.Snpx.PositionRegisters.Write(1, posReg1);
robot.Snpx.NumericRegisters.Write(2, 123.45f);
robot.Snpx.StringRegisters.Write(3, "Hello, world!");
// Read a variable
int rmtMaster = robot.Snpx.IntegerSystemVariables.Read("$RMT_MASTER");
string lastAlm = robot.Snpx.StringSystemVariables.Read("$ALM_IF.$LAST_ALM");
Position cellFloor = robot.Snpx.PositionSystemVariables.Read("$CELL_FLOOR");
// Write a variable
robot.Snpx.IntegerSystemVariables.Write("$RMT_MASTER", 1);
robot.Snpx.StringSystemVariables.Write("$ALM_IF.$LAST_ALM", "No alarms");
robot.Snpx.PositionSystemVariables.Write("$CELL_FLOOR", cellFloor);
robot.Snpx.RDO.Write(1, true);
ushort ai5 = robot.Snpx.AI.Read(5);
// Read and Write analogs (AI,AO,GI,GO,PMC_D)
robot.Snpx.AO.Write(2, 5);
ushort ao3 = robot.Snpx.AO.Read(3);
// Clear alarms

File and decoding

Direct access FTP to the memory of the robot for file transfer, reading variables and the management of the robot state, all in decoded and ready to be used in structured .NET objects.
IOState ioState = robot.Ftp.GetIOState();
// Read a variable
var variableFiles = robot.Ftp.GetAllVariables();
foreach (var variableFile in variableFiles)
foreach (var variable in variableFile.Variables)
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.Name} = {variable.Value}");
// Read system variable $RMT_MASTER
int remoteMode = robot.Ftp.KnownVariableFiles.GetSystemFile().RmtMaster;
// Read safety status
SafetyStatus safetyStatus = robot.Ftp.GetSafetyStatus();
Console.WriteLine($"Emergency Stop: {safetyStatus.ExternalEStop}");
Console.WriteLine($"Teach Pendant Enabled: {safetyStatus.TPEnable}");
// Get current position for each arm (Joints, World position of each tool, user frame positions)
CurrentPosition currentPosition = robot.Ftp.GetCurrentPosition();
// Upload a TP program to the controller
robot.Ftp.DirectFileHandling.UploadFileToController(@"C:\Programs\MyPrg.tp", "md:/MyPrg.tp");
// Download a file from the robot
robot.Ftp.DirectFileHandling.DownloadFileFromController("md:/Backup.va", @"C:\Backup\Backup.va");
// Delete a file on the robot

Offline tools

The features without the need for robot allow you to handle standard file formats (variable file, error list, robot status, etc.).
// Parse a variable file and extract a hierarchical list of variables
GenericVariableFile vaFile = FanucFileReaders.VariableReader.ReadFile("C:/path/to/variable.va");
foreach (var variable in vaFile.Variables)
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.Name} = {variable.Value} [{variable.Type}]");
// Edit and regenerate the variable file
// Parse several types of files

Browse the documentation

Browse the documentation

The documentation allows you to quickly start developing with the library. The same functionality is available in all supported languages.

Download and test

Download via NUGET
Download via NUGET

Easily add this SDK to your Visual Studio project via the Nuget package manager.

See on Nuget
Examples on GitHub
Examples on GitHub

The sources of examples of use of this SDK are available on Github

Windows application example
Windows application example

Allows you to test all the features of the SDK with a simple interface. The example is compiled in "self contained" and "single file" with .NET 8. The application is portable without installation.

By downloading, you accept the general conditions of use:
See terms and conditions
UnderAutomation.Fanuc.Showcase.Forms.exe (139 MB)
LabVIEW library and sample app
LabVIEW library and sample app
See on GithubUnderAutomation.Fanuc.lvlib

Request a quote and order

Most popular

Site license

990 € (EUR)$1090 (USD)






for universities (40% discount)

Complete and permanent SDK: no recurring subscription is required, the license is yours forever and works in all programming languages ​​for a robot brand.
Can be used only by the organization holding the license, at the postal address indicated. All team developers will share the same license, regardless of the number of development machine.
Any application developed using the SDK can be delivered to an unlimited number of your customers at no additional cost, regardless of the number of robots to connect.
The license is a kind of password to call in the code that unlocks the features. No additional software to install. No USB key.
1 year maintenance included (access to updates)
Contact us for a payment by bank transfer. Once the license of this SDK is purchased, you will receive your license number and your invoice by email.
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Source license

9900 € (EUR)$11 900 (USD)


11 900




for universities (40% discount)

Complete internal code of the library in C#
Visual Studio solution that includes 110,000 lines of code developed over several years
You can modify this source code and use it in your application, within the limits defined in the general terms of use
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Easily integrate Universal Robots, Fanuc, Yaskawa or Staubli robots into your .NET, Python, LabVIEW or Matlab applications

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