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Open and edit program and installation files

Decompile UR files like URP program and installation files

  • Edit program files
  • Edit installation files
  • Try it with the Windows example
  • API Reference

Edit program files

The library can open and edit program files with .urp extension. You can access and modify inner XML.

using System.Xml.Linq;
using UnderAutomation.UniversalRobots.Files;
class FileProgram
static void Main(string[] args)
URProgram prg = URProgram.Load(@"C:\myPrg.urp");
XElement innerXml = prg.XML;
// Set program associated installation file
// You can also add instructions or change other attributes
innerXml.Attribute("installationRelativePath").Value = "default";
// Save modified program files
// You could then transfer this file to the robot with SFTP

Edit installation files

The library can open and edit installation files with .installation extension.

using System.Xml.Linq;
using UnderAutomation.UniversalRobots.Files;
class FileInstallation
static void Main(string[] args)
URInstallation prg = URInstallation.Load(@"C:\default.installation");
XElement innerXml = prg.XML;
// Change your installation settings
innerXml.Attribute("showSpeedSliderOnRunTab").Value = "true";
// Save modified program files
// You could then transfer this file to the robot with SFTP

Try it with the Windows example

API Reference

Members of Files.URArchive :
public abstract class URArchive {
protected URArchive(XElement xml)
protected abstract string Extension { get; }
// File name that should be used on a UR robot
public string FileName { get; }
// Load a UR archive from stream and decode it as XML
public static XElement Load(Stream fileStream)
// Load a UR archive from file path and decode it as XML
public static XElement Load(string filePath)
public string Name { get; set; }
protected abstract string NameAttribute { get; }
protected abstract string RootElement { get; }
// Save encoded file to a stream
public void Save(Stream stream)
// Save encoded file to a directory, overwrite it if it exists
public string Save(string directory)
// XML description of the object
public XElement XML { get; }
Members of Files.URProgram :
public class URProgram : URArchive {
// Create a URProgram from its XML definition
public URProgram(XElement xml)
protected override string Extension { get; }
public const string EXTENSION = ".urp"
// Load a program from stream
public static URProgram Load(Stream urpStream)
// Load a *.urp program from file path
public static URProgram Load(string urpFile)
protected override string NameAttribute { get; }
protected override string RootElement { get; }
Members of Files.URInstallation :
public class URInstallation : URArchive {
// Create a URProgram from its XML definition
public URInstallation(XElement xml)
protected override string Extension { get; }
public const string EXTENSION = ".installation"
// Load an installation file from stream
public static URInstallation Load(Stream urpStream)
// Load a *.installation file from path
public static URInstallation Load(string urpFile)
protected override string NameAttribute { get; }
protected override string RootElement { get; }

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