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Open and edit program and installation files

Open and edit program and installation files

Edit program files

The library can open and edit program files with .urp extension. You can access and modify inner XML.

URProgram prg = URProgram.Load(@"C:\myPrg.urp");
XElement innerXml = prg.XML;
// Set program associated installation file
// You can also add instructions or change other attributes
innerXml.Attribute("installationRelativePath").Value = "default";
// Save modified program files
// You could then transfer this file to the robot with SFTP

Edit installation files

The library can open and edit installation files with .installation extension.

URInstallation prg = URInstallation.Load(@"C:\default.installation");
XElement innerXml = prg.XML;
// Change your installation settings
innerXml.Attribute("showSpeedSliderOnRunTab").Value = "true";
// Save modified program files
// You could then transfer this file to the robot with SFTP

Try it with the Windows example

API Reference

Members of Files.URArchive :
public abstract class URArchive {
protected URArchive(XElement xml)
protected abstract string Extension { get; }
// File name that should be used on a UR robot
public string FileName { get; }
// Load a UR archive from stream and decode it as XML
public static XElement Load(Stream fileStream)
// Load a UR archive from file path and decode it as XML
public static XElement Load(string filePath)
public string Name { get; set; }
protected abstract string NameAttribute { get; }
protected abstract string RootElement { get; }
// Save encoded file to a stream
public void Save(Stream stream)
// Save encoded file to a directory, overwrite it if it exists
public string Save(string directory)
// XML description of the object
public XElement XML { get; }
Members of Files.URProgram :
public class URProgram : URArchive {
// Create a URProgram from its XML definition
public URProgram(XElement xml)
protected override string Extension { get; }
public const string EXTENSION = ".urp"
// Load a program from stream
public static URProgram Load(Stream urpStream)
// Load a *.urp program from file path
public static URProgram Load(string urpFile)
protected override string NameAttribute { get; }
protected override string RootElement { get; }
Members of Files.URInstallation :
public class URInstallation : URArchive {
// Create a URProgram from its XML definition
public URInstallation(XElement xml)
protected override string Extension { get; }
public const string EXTENSION = ".installation"
// Load an installation file from stream
public static URInstallation Load(Stream urpStream)
// Load a *.installation file from path
public static URInstallation Load(string urpFile)
protected override string NameAttribute { get; }
protected override string RootElement { get; }

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